About Us

Established in 1952, the Michigan Nature Association is a non-profit conservation organization committed to the protection and maintenance of special natural areas throughout the state. Through stewardship, MNA works to protect the rare and endangered plants and animals that reside in these areas, and promote a program of natural history and conservation education. For more than 70 years, MNA has worked to acquire and protect more than 10,000 acres from the northern tip of the U.P. to the Indiana/Ohio border. For more information on MNA and current initiatives, visit www.michigannature.org.

If you are interested in using content or photography from this blog, please contact Communications & Events Coordinator Lauren Ross at lross@michigannature.org.

4 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hi there!
    I really enjoy reading this blog. You guys really have some great information that’s not only interesting, but useful. And you sure do know how to capture the beauty of the Great Lakes State! Which is actually the reason I am contacting you.

    I am the social media editor for Michigan Travel Ideas magazine and we are currently holding a contest inviting people to share their stories and/or photos about anything Michigan related. Since you guys are experts in the natural beauty of Michigan, I thought this contest might be of interest to some of your staff. If this is something you’re interested in entering you can do so on our Facebook page under the contests tab, http://www.facebook.com/MITravelIdeas, or on the contest website, http://mimoments.com/. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at elizabeth.jensen@meredith.com.

    Elizabeth Jensen
    Social Media Editor for Michigan Travel Ideas
    Meredith Corporation

    • Thank you Elizabeth!
      We’re so glad you enjoy our blog and appreciate our efforts to preserve this beautiful state. As for the contest, thank you for letting us know and we will be sure to pass on the information to the rest of the staff!

  2. Thank you all for sharing your common goal to preserve the state as well as sharing much of your awesome knowledge. I am not from the state and was very curious what happened to the states tree frogs during winter. I do my best to save as many as possible in the summer months by removing them from where there mistakenly placed themselves, ie. (a garage). They are tiny, fascinating creatures and I thank you all for teaching me more about them!

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